What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves stimulating strategic points on the body by penetrating the upper layer of the skin with the tip of a hair-thin needle.
Stop freaking out.
The first time I got acupuncture, I asked my doctor, “When are you going to start?” only to find out I already had 5 needles in my back. This may sound archaic and torturous, but it alleviates pain and helps treat an extremely wide amount of health conditions.
Acupuncture can clear acne, help you lose weight, reduce water retention, promote fertility, manage pain, reduce stress levels, increase your mood, help you get better sleep and naturally enhance your breasts; all determined by the points the needles are inserted on your body.
Don’t roll your eyes. I know- you’re thinking “There is no way this earthy-crunchy-granola BS could make my boobs bigger, it would obviously be the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure in the city.” Oh, you’re not? Well that’s what I’m thinking. If this works, why isn’t it as generic as going to yoga? More important, how does this work?
[Photo via @kimkardashian]