6 Ways Rom-Coms Are Harming (And Helping) Your Relationship

We all enjoy a Friday night in with ice cream and an impossibly romantic film based on a Nicholas Sparks novel once in a while, but new research has found that romantic comedies are pretty much the worst. The study published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture has proven that those who watch rom-coms are just fooling themselves when it comes to love, as opposed to those who keep it real by watching action films or sitcoms instead. Yes, all those nights cuddled up with Ben & Jerry's watching The Notebook on repeat has destroyed you, and you are doomed to always be disappointed.

The problem is, and it breaks our hearts to write this, Noah just isn't real. It's a sad state of affairs; it's a kick to the stomach and a smack to the face, but we must persevere and try to find some happiness in our real-life relationships. It will be hard, but we have no choice.

However, rom-coms aren't all bad. They do, surprisingly, have some positive effects on our love lives, and if we're to go on in this cruel world, it's up to us to really focus on those aspects. So, let's try to do just that...sprinkled with the negative, of course.

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