The "Nerd Alert" Report...

by Rachelle Hruska · March 31, 2009

    Skype for iPhone is really here and now you can download the VoIP app for yourself.  But, how does it measure up? Better than actual 3G calling over AT&T's network! [Gizmodo]

    April Fools day is almost here.  What will Google's Gag be this year? They have done everything from implementing a toilet Internet service provider to a pagerank system based on pigeons in the past.  Take a look through the full list of Pranks here [Silicon Alley Insider]

    Twitter on your TV! Could they be serious? They could!  Samsung's new '09 TV sets will include Yahoo's new TV widget platform with around a dozen apps. [Silicon Alley]

    Street styles from the nerd herd at SXSW. Is this the next [Pacsun]

    Are you Tweeting while Rome burns? The news last week was full of stories about how the Web phenom Twitter might make a buck as the rest of the economy goes up in smoke, from charging for Tweet aggregations to acquisition by Google [The Moment] is worth $8 Million, and TinyURL is worth at least $46 Million. Because, in a world where everything is being jammed into 140 characters or less, shorter is better. [Tech Crunch]

    The Ellen Show reached 50,000 followers on Twitter yesterday, and, you know what that means: video of Halle Berry? [Twitter]

    Fugly sweaters for your laptop are available to order for only $20. This is pretty much on the same level as buying  clothes for you dog. [Gizmodo]

    A Facebook Haggadah? Is Moses departing Egypt? [Facebook Haggadah]

    Go pick up Doree Shafrir's (of Observer fame) latest novel at your local Barnes and Nobles today! [The Doree Chronicles]