The "Nerd Alert" Report...

by Rachelle Hruska · April 29, 2009

    [Caroline Mccarthy and Rex Sorgatz] The city's finest nerds gathered at the "Youth Knows No Pain" premiere afterparty where they all tried to stomach their drinks after seeing Julia Allison's botox adventure up on the big screen. Allison was M.I.A. [RandomNightOut]

    College Humor posts a video that makes us laugh. "This is what everything you say on Twitter would sound like without Twitter. But Funnier. [College Humor]

    Facebook backer, Peter Thiel, has written an essay declaring that the country went to hell as soon as woman won the right to vote. He was probably on drugs when he wrote it though. [Valleywag]

    Oprah is already bored of Twitter, but she's still it's hottest account. She is gaining followers faster than anyone, with almost 700k already. That's 51,250 net new followers a day, if you're wondering. [Silicon Alley Insider]

    140 Love. Tweet your way towards Romance" 140 Characters at a time on this new site, who's proprietary matching algorithm will match you with your potential soul mates. [140 Love]

    60% of users who sign up for Twirtter don't return to the site the following month.  So, while Twitter's traffic has catapulted to 6 million unique viewers each month, only 40% of new users actually stay to play. [WSJ]

    In a bid to retain its role as pop culture staple, MTV has announced plans to launch a show that taps into the power of social media, tightly integrating with Facebook and Twitter to maximize fan interaction. [Tech Crunch]