1. WHY To Leave

Tea Hacic-VlahovicPlease see the cues below to know WHY you should leave a party: -You’ve got bleeding blisters -And a nosebleed -But you’re out of tampons and pads (‘feminine’ nose-blocks and Band-Aids) -Your date left you -You can’t remember who your date was -Or how many people you’ve kissed in order to find out -You’ve been kicked out -For getting in a catfight -Or maybe you’re in a catfight because you’ve been kicked out? -Either way, you’re cat fighting a cat and probably caught rabies -You’re naked -You’re naked and nobody is paying attention to you! -You’re naked and crying and people are paying attention! -You’re throwing up -Someone is throwing up on you -Both of the above -The DJ is playing “Toxic” by Britney or anything that reminds you of your childhood and all the possibilities you missed. You should have practiced piano more! Are those tears on your face or just melted glitter? [Photo via @teahacic]
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