Thursday: Up & Down

Thursday: Up & Down
Our pal, nightlife legend Tommy Saleh, was one of the hosts. After our set he said "How've you boys been? We must do more together!" to which we replied “Absolutely! Let’s have a picnic, go to the zoo, or the circus!” because if there's one thing we’ve learned from working in nightlife, it's that the last thing people who work in nightlife want to talk about is nightlife. Up and Down was a lot of fun but Thursdays also mean a, relatively, early bedtime for us because we have to be coherent for our Friday morning show on East Village Radio. As Mark, the Cobrasnake, once observed, sometimes the best stuff happens on the street outside the club. While Up & Down was solid, this guy was waiting for us right outside to do some sort of art performance where he pretended his dozen roses were a pillow and that he was sleeping standing up and then that he was real mad about something. The best part was that his friends kept offering to hold all his stuff so he could give us a glamorous pose but he was having none of it! "No! Im keeping my bags!" he insisted.
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