DBTH Will Get Into Eldridge When Hell Freezes Over

by Rachelle Hruska · July 22, 2008

    This was an email that I received today by DBTH:

    From: "Scott Solish" <scott[AT]downbythehipster.com> Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 08:28:18 -0400 To: rachelle[AT]guestofaguest.com<rachelle[AT]guestofaguest.com> Subject: Eldridge - Comment Requested Hey,

    We have heard from a source that your writer Naeem will be working for The Eldridge a few nights a week, handling promotions and the door.

    Is this true?

    Did you know that he had a stake in the promotion of the new venue with the two posts?

    Is it your policy to allow editorial staff to include personal promotions in their posts?

    If yes to #3, can you tell us which of your editorial staff have been promoting in their posts?


    So, I went straight to the source and called Scott and Naeem today. This is what they had to say:

    First, Scott Buccheit is the writer of the column, not Naeem, but he stated that if DBTH wants to figure out if he's working the door he should go down there himself to check it out, though there is not a chance in hell he will be getting in.

    "Scott Solish won't be getting in, whether Naeem's working there or not, until hell freezes over."

    AMEN. I'm just wondering which establishment's DBTH's email is referring to us promoting. Rose Bar? Surf Lodge? None of my writers have ever worked at any of these places, we just like them, and there is nothing wrong with reporting that.