Sons of Essex

Sons of Essex
Sons of Essex has single handedly become one of the coolest spots in the LES. Located on Essex Street, Sons of Essex has a store front deli/coffee shop, and behind that, a speak easy style restaurant where they employ skateboarders to bar tend and bus and play old school hip hop. While Biggie is playing loudly overhead, diners are invited to enjoy home style specialties like lobster-pot-pie and grilled-cheese-with-truffle-oil. The experience is an extraordinary mix of American cultures --- from urban to down country to rustic United States. The decor, food, and ambiance is enough of a spectacle to bring in A-listers like the Olsens, and of course, who could forget about the local skater boys. [Photo via]
Sons of Essex (@sonsofessex) posted on Instagram: "Your host this evening...need a table?"
Sons of Essex, 133 Essex St (btwn Stanton and Rivington), 212-674-7100 [Photo via]
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