Joey Zauzig
You never know exactly what to expect when you head out for a night in NYC. Mine usually start with a bottle of red and my highly curated Spotify playlist - but a lot of the time it starts with rushing to an event or dinner directly after work.
Regardless of how they start off, in New York City a super chill night can end up being a (wonderful) disaster. I remember during Fashion Week one year I was invited to a big dinner and I wasn’t allowed to bring a plus one, I found myself surrounded by some amazing people. I became friends with someone I’m now super close with and we ended up spending the whole night together, going from party to party, and she took me to some of the most memorable parties I've ever been to. The night ended at an unreal apartment in Tribeca, thinking this was the coolest night, nothing could go wrong.. I then run into my ex-boyfriend and proceed to try and sneak out with my girlfriend, tripping down 2 flights of stairs and breaking my ankle. This night turned into 3 months on crutches. Now looking back we always laugh, but it just goes to show you can never underestimate when your night could take huge turn.
[Photo via @joeyzauzig]