The Grand Opening Of The Griffin Nightclub

by Rachelle Hruska · May 1, 2009

    [Photos by BILLY FARRELL for PMc]

    Last night, the city was a buzz with parties (St.Jude's Gala, Cartier 100th, movie premieres and more), and eye candy galore.  However, the party of the week belongs to the Griffin opening night. Kate Hudson and Sting were just some of the big names to grace the newly opened club which we have had our eyes on all month.

    Other guests included Nas, Amy Sacco, Maxwell, Rachel Zoe, Adam Hock, Alexandra Richards, Lindsay Price, Nur Khan, Lauren Santo Domingo, Andres Santo Domingo, Elise Overland, Diego Garcia, Andrew Saffir, Daniel Benedict, Jackie Astier, Byrdie Bell, Derek Blasberg, Lyle Maltz, Rory Guinnes, Lola Schnabel, Vito Schnabel, Stephane Marais, Kate Schelter, Chris Schumacher, and Dr. Lisa Airan

    Kate Hudson, Amy Sacco, Sting, Mickey Sumner

    Byrdie Bell, Nas

    Nur Khan, Simon Hammerstein

    Nur Khan, Adam Hock, Nicoletta Santoro, Amy Sacco, Max Vadukul, Sting

    Adam Hock

    Lola Schnabel, Vito Schnabel, Stephane Marais

    Kate Schelter, Chris Schumacher, Dr. Lisa Airan

    Rob Wiesenthal, Paige Nelson

    Nas, Maxwell

    Alexandra Richards, Amy Sacco, Mickey Sumner

    Elise Overland, Carlos Mota, Amy Sacco