Single Blogger Night At Angels & Kings Almost Succeeds In Getting Blogging Geeks To Put Down Their Laptops

by Rachelle Hruska · March 4, 2009

    [Sometimes, Mac's make the best boyfriends...]

    GO HERE for more photos by BRIAN VAN NIEUWENHOVEN and TAG YOURSELF and YOUR FRIENDS in the gallery.

    Are you dating your computer? Join the club. Whether your date is Mr. Mac or Ms. Dell, it was time for everyone to DISCONNECT for a night to mix and mingle IRL (In Real Life). So, Jennifer Kellas, of and put together a Single Bloggers night at Angels and Kings. Co-hosted by TRAINWRECK (Resident DJs: Rob Hitt, Erica Dagley & Baya Voce from MTV's The Real World Brooklyn), the party mixed singles (who apparently couldn't give up their computers that easily),  that have the following 10 Topics in Common:

    More story and photos below...

    1. A mutual love of the internets <insult>(dork)</insult>

    2. Writing in short form.

    3. Telling people your unsolicited opinion.

    4. Anonymity/Internet Famousness

    5. Douchebag commenters (I know, right? Like, what is their problem man?!)

    6. Not getting the proper press pass and having to dial every publicist in the company until someone picks up just to have them tell you that they can't do anything about it now, they are in LA/Bushwick/drunk

    7. Living in your parent's basement.

    8. An inability to go 10 mins without checking your twitter.

    9. Thinking how every witty line you hear would make a GREAT blog title.

    10. Your shared hatred or love (depending on the week) of Blogger/Typepad/Wordpress