Congrats To Chessy Wilson And Bryce Gruber, Who Are Both Expecting New Editions!

by Rachelle Hruska · July 9, 2008

    chessy wilson and bryce grubber

    [Chessy Wilson (with friend Jamie Korey, her husband is Paul Slater (below) and Bryce Gruber (withJean-luc Quevauvilliers) are both expecting some exciting new additions to their social calendars.]

    “Through my personal actions I want to show single and working moms that while they can still focus their efforts on their careers and families, they can still find time to take care of themselves—both emotionally and physically,”

    “It is unfortunate that people view being an unmarried mother as one of society’s taboos, But I am living proof that we can go against ‘the norm’, and be successful and happy at the same time.”-Bryce Gruber

    At 24, Bryce Gruber has always been ahead of the pack. She has already been called an "online marketing guru" by the Wall Street Journal and started her own PR and marketing firm when she was twenty. Chessy Wilson is equally ambitious working at Irwin Slater's Corporate Development.

    Paul Slater, Chessy Wilson