First, they have to get Donald Trump out of the White House

Since the election, Ivanka's been pretty quiet. Besides promoting her dad's misinformation push about "legal" and "illegal" ballots, as well as touting a new coronavirus vaccine, she and her husband have, like her father, been unable to publicly admit defeat. In a wonderfully ironic turn of events, however, they might be the ones who have to help pull Donald, kicking and screaming, out of the Oval Office. According to reports, Jared and Ivanka are being considered for the "Trump intervention" team in the case that he refuses to accept the results of the election. 

"That’s a conversation that I’m told the president’s allies are still having, they’re not sure who that person is going to be. They’ve talked about Jared Kushner, someone like an Ivanka Trump, but they haven’t figured out who it is to bring the president to terms with reality," CNN’s White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins told The Independent. I think we can all agree that would be hilarious.

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