"If Lady Gaga Could Sing, She'd Have It All."

by Chiara Atik · March 30, 2010

    Ok, are you guys following Roger Ebert on twitter yet? You really need to be. The guy lost his jay and turned hilarious. (Yes, yes, and inspiring and poignant, we know, that too...)

    Among our favorite tweets (in addition to the one above):

    @ebertchicago http://twitpic.com/1bp3v0 - To hell with you dilettantes. I'm gonna fry me up some black pudding in its own blood.

    @ebertchicago After five months on Twitter and 121K followers, @etherielmusings broke the news to me: My replies are PUBLIC.

    @ebertchicago A PC term for "attempted suicide?" What's the PC term for University Psychology Dept. Committee Anal-Retentive Asshole?

    @ebertchicago Parents' Law: Kids, you can see any movie not rated R, if it's a Real Movie. I love you too much to let you see films for kids