As Taylor Swift once infamously crooned, "Welcome to New York," where finding an affordable place to live is more soul-crushing than sharing a slice of pizza with a subway rat. OK, perhaps we improvised that second part, but everybody (except Taylor Swift, probably) knows it's true. Sometimes you look around and think that everyone in this city must be ten times richer than you are, and, well, you are most definitely correct. However, all that wealth is hardly found in the chichi neighborhoods you might expect. According to a recent report conducted by Esri for the New York Business Journal, the richest zip codes in NYC are really quite surprising when you factor in average net worth and annual income. For real, Tribeca doesn't even make the top 10 list. Click through for all the hoods you should aspire to move into, you know, once the rat Venmos you for that pizza.

[Photo via @armelle_blog]