The Elk - Taking Back Breakfast
The weekend. It's finally your chance to have that coffee shop moment. That perfectly photographed table spread of coffee, plated avocado toast, your sunglasses relaxing on top of a magazine, and perhaps the corner of an electronic device nestled just in sight. A scene so organically contrived, so intently inactive. Some ridiculously enviable / incredibly suspicious people both have and post these reflective breakfast moments, these serene still lifes during the week. And as a real person, you hate them - rightfully so since no filter is going to make your typical Tuesday fluorescent-lit morning image of a crumpled up Luna Bar wrapper next to some random office coffee mug enviable. Thankfully, The Elk, a West Village cafe / general store of sorts that is all types of pleasant, is just as photogenic on weekend mornings as it is weekday. So settle in for that well earned Chia Seed Pudding topped with Coconut Bee-Pollen Crumble. Or maybe a simple plate of soft scrambled eggs with sweet potato hash and roasted tomato. Something delicate and demure that punches your followers in the face with how peaceful your life is.
The Elk, 128 Charles Street
[Photo via @meganj487]