Looks like there is some disconnect over at BlackBook. Everyone was excited for our favorite Uncle Steve's move over to the big magazine when they bought his "Goodnight Mr. Lewis Column" from Joonbug. There were parties and celebrations. Steve's taken a little bit of a much needed and deserved vacation from work, and while he's away we noticed something that editorially didn't match up. In Steve's end of the year post on the "Best New York Nightlife Of 2008" (where he kindly named us for best site), he included Circle, the Korean joint in Midtown as one of his best clubs. Blackbook's review of Circle is far from kind, and Steve, even at the expense of his job, sticks up for his own......
Read more on this editorial disconnect below:
"Big box former Times Square club couldn't pay its bills without catering to a niche crowd, so now that's what they do: private event space (catering), a.k.a. Arena, when they're not holding an uber-Asian crowd or Gay Sundays. Lloyd would be proud. So would Darwin: welcome to the natural evolution of nightlife—only the strong, gay, and Asian survive. Ask your waiter for a booking: they'll drag a girl you fancy to your table like a piece of Korean BBQ beef. No joke."
Steve Lewis' comment(s) on the site regarding this review:
unfair Posted by steve lewis on Friday, January 09, 2009
the operators of circle should not be confused with the operators of the clubs that occupied the space prior to their involvement.most spaces were previously occupied by operators who eventually couldny pay their bills and adjusted. circle caters to an upscale korean crowd by choice not by default. i attend the club regularly and believe it to be one of the best joints in town. the fact that they have a sunday where a mostly gay crew frolic is coomon in clubland. many clubs have gayer nights. marquee, 10ak (sunday as well) etc.. every club is a "private event space" when it isnt a club. this review is an embarrassment. i am on vacation but was alerted to this dribble by circle management. circle is a great club and i believe that the concept that a club that caters mostly to korean new yorkers is not worthy is simply racist and the snarky ramblings of a very un-hip and uninformed writer. cant wait to find out who wrote this ...steve
sorry about the spelling mistakes... thats why i have an editor.
Say whatever you will about Steve Lewis, the guy never turns his back on his friends. It's commendable. Also, it's the sign of a good publication, when staff and editors don't see eye to eye and keep each other on their own toes. I have fallen more in love with Steve, and perhaps BlackBook both.
Plus, everyone knows, Steve loves Asian women! ;)
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