Luann de Lesseps - Paul's Baby Grand

Don’t be all uncool, respect the girl code, chic c’est la vie. I know I’m gonna get hate for this one, but what the hell - Luann de Lesseps is Paul’s Baby Grand. 

In my personal opinion the best nightlife spot in the city is Luann. I know it’s crazy, but the journey she has been on!? She has been all the main characters that make New York so great. The Upper East Side bitch. The friend that’s legit fucked everyone. The one fighting with the cops. The train wreck in the bushes. The hopeless romantic. And of course, the redemption story. 

And where else in NYC can you still find all these people under one roof? Paul’s baby grand. Sure Luann’s music will never be played here but her essence of what makes housewives great, what makes going out worth it, leaving it all under the disco ball on the checked dance floor, that's what makes New York Nightlife so fucking great.

[Photo via @countessluann]

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