Japan Fashion Week Confirms That Lederhosen Never Work

by SARAH MANDATO · October 23, 2009

    Remember that episode of Sex and the City where the girls meet in the park and Carrie is wearing lederhosen? Yeah, it didn't work then, either. The traditional Bavarian clothing seemed a motif on the runway for Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo, and although Asian fashion is known for unconventional, sometimes contextually mashed style, I'm not too sure it's going to take the stores by storm.

    Even though I spent several years living in Switzerland, plenty of time to open my mind toward the cultural dress, all I ever think when I see those suspended shorts is: Halloween costume.

    Something else that strikes me is that not a single model in the show is Asian. Not the first time a runway left me perplexed, let's see if the designers, presumably more versed in coming trends, can prove my instincts wrong. In the meantime, see the outfits which rocked the catwalk at this show, part straight out of "The Sound of Music," and part kimono chic.

    Oh, and careful - a little wardrobe mishap is NOT safe for work, below.

    Extra points for the best "oops" expression, ever.

    [Photos via Getty].