After much consideration and web-browsing, I've come to the conclusion that Stormy Daniels' Twitter account is the best thing on the internet. I stumbled upon this goldmine after a deep mind-wandering web search while watching CNN.
With tweet after tweet promoting her profile on '' (which I'm guessing is exclusive legal advice for her valued followers? I felt funny using my company card to unlock access so will have to leave it to the imagination), I blindly came upon a cornucopia of 140 character zingers. Unlike her once-active Twitter nemesis, Daniels sprinkles these tweets throughout her mostly spamy account like a triple-X Easter egg hunt.
While I spent the latter part of the work day ridding my laptop of viruses, I felt this was important and worthwhile content to share with our readers. Nonetheless, I did the hard work and uncovered my all time favorite tweets (and #clapbacks) from the newly turned household name and adult actress who our thumb of a president can’t quite shake.
Please note these tweets are most definitely dirty, viewer discretion is advised.
[Photo via]