Burp Castle A Better Version Of Belgium Room

by CLAIRE WILLETT · February 29, 2008

    burp castle [Burp Castle, Photo via NY Mag]

    Kan ik de kamer zien? Nee...Yesterday, DBTH informed us that Belgium Room's underage brew crew is currently in need of a new dive in which to guzzle those Delirium Tremens. Tragedy? Nous pensons que non. While we're certainly in favor of lax doors, and like our bière et frites as much as the next semi Flemish/Francophile, we prefer cette expérience sans an NYU frat-tinged soundtrack. We suggest those displaced FIJI's head over to Burp Castle. They have potent suds and spuds aplenty (from the très authentiquely greasy Pomme Frites) plus the mash-up of Gregorian chants and gratuitous innuendo --shall we call it The Greg Album?, could be the next grand chose. Dangermouse, watch yo'back.