Who To Add To Your DC Twitter List

by SARAH KUNST · May 11, 2010

    So you follow Obama, Ana Marie Cox, and Meghan McCain but you want more Washington opinions in your dashboard? See below for the top 10 people you aren't following but need to.-



    http://twitter.com/petesouza Pete Souza's account provides pictures from behind the scenes at the White House. As an official government twitter account don't expect anything too crazy, but it's a good place to see what the president's day is like in pictures.


    http://twitter.com/WillySquared Producer/songwriter Willy Williams seems to be DC's answer to the non-stop pathos tweets of Hollywood and NYC. Want to know if the police are hassling him or what he thinks about a new Kanye joint? Join over 25k followers are tweet at and interact with the 140 character wonder.


    http://twitter.com/rahmfacts Rahm Emanuel facts claim to be true and are never short of amusing.



    http://twitter.com/digiphile Alex Howard gives good links and quotes - no word on if he shares his real opinion of boss Bill O'Reilly



    twitter.com/edhenrycnn Ed Henry has the dubious honor of overseeing Michelle Obama's first  tweet, which she tweeted from his phone. He's recently added FourSquare to his repetoire, so maybe that's next for the First Lady?