New Lows: A Deep Slumber At The Club

by Emily Green · October 7, 2010

    We've all had our night of being the one who's had a few too many out at the club. Unfortunately for our guy here, his friends were nowhere in sight to wake him or at least keep us from staging a photo shoot when he decided to politely take a little snooze at Las Palmas last night. Mid-cigarette. With his head resting on the cranberry juice carafe.

    We've seen people fall asleep at clubs before, maybe in a corner booth on their friend's shoulder, but never directly on the the table. On top of the mixers. Homie was fast asleep, like probably getting some quality REM. It was reminiscent of Weekend at Bernie's, except he was still breathing. After a while, Sleeping Beauty was awakened by three very large bouncers who escorted him out the door. So got that, guys? No napping allowed in the club.

    Send Us Your New Lows! (...Or Highs)

    Have you experienced or bore witness to a new low in L.A. nightlife?  Did you see someone pick a cigarette up off the nightclub's bathroom floor and put it back in their mouth? Was there a particularly unpleasant encounter with the doorman at a bar? Tell us! We want your stories from last night. Send us your New Lows (or New Highs) to