MTV Now Casting Proud Beverly Hills Persians For "Jersey Shore" Spin-Off

by Emily Green · April 8, 2010

    No, we are not kidding this is actually happening. It was hard for us to believe as well, it just seemed way too good to be true. In the wake of "Jersey Shore" mania that swept the nation, MTV producers are not wasting a single second on that money train and are in the process of developing several spin-offs. Each of the spin-offs focus on a different ethnic sector, such as Asian-Americans in LA and Russian-Americans in Brighton Beach.  The latest of these castings calls for Iranian-Americans (a.k.a Persians) in Beverly Hills for "The Persian Version."

    Well MTV, you have come to the right place! To give those of you unfamiliar with the large Persian constituent in this town, particularly Beverly Hills, a sense of what we mean, over 60% of Beverly High's students are Persian. Also, do you guys remember what Cher tells Tai in Clueless ("Oh that's the Persian mafia, you can't hang with them unless you own a black BMW")?  The mayor of Beverly Hills also happens to be Persian.

    Now, my Persian neighbors, is your time to shine and make your people proud, just like the guidos and guidettes of the "Jersey Shore" did for Italian Americans.   The casting call states that MTV producers are seeking "proud Persian-Americans who rule Hollywood nightlife and own Beverly Hills." They also add that they are looking for someone who is "outrageous" and "outspoken." So L.A. Persians, if you meet these specifications, you can be an MTV star just like Vinny and JWoww. Excited? We are. And cannot WAIT to see who will be the little Persian version of Snooki!

    [Photo via Wmagazine]