Trailer Park Boys

By far the tackiest on our list, the Trailer Park Lounge is also the best for late-night eats. Eat a mountain of tater tots and quench your thirst with cheap and sugary margaritas. The decor could have been taken out of any Americana-centric film, and embraces everything we love yet are simultaneously nauseated by with caricatures of the American West.

Film Pairings: This one is tricky. We feel obligated to recommend binging on Trailer Park Boys simply because of the name, despite the cult-favorite's Canadian roots. Those hoping to emulate the show's road-tripping, pit-stop vibes will love revisiting Little Miss Sunshine. Catch a showing of Harold and Kumar go to White Castle at Brooklyn Bridge Park on July 14. 

The Trailer Park Lounge, 271 W 23rd St.

[Photo via @jaxbecca]

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