DJ Bailey

DJ Bailey is a certified blast from the past and breath of fresh air. Usually found decked out in vintage fashion (courtesy of her own shop, Hello Banana Vintage), Bailey Leiter embraces the retro vibes from her funky frocks to her groovy vinyl tunes. Her DJ philosophy? "Keep it old school but still sexy, and always play a bunch of rare, relevant gems no one’s ever heard before."

In her quest to introduce cool tunes to the masses, she scours the world looking for fresh and exciting tracks and loves playing 1960s and '70s rare soul and funk, disco, and French and Brazilian music.

Care to get your groove on with DJ Bailey? You can find her Saturdays at the Roxy Hotel and Thursdays at The Mulberry. Every other month, she also hosts a glamorous, all-vinyl dance party at the Club Room at Soho Grand, named "Hello Banana" after her vintage store. "Everyone dresses to the nines for it, which is a big part of its magic!"

[Photo courtesy DJ Bailey]

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