Well Cipriani Was A Shit Show Last Night...

by Christie Grimm · June 23, 2020

    After many nights of suffering through takeout in front of the TV, or even worse, their own cooking, all of New York was on the town last night, indulging in one of the most underrated of humans rights, dining out.

    After restaurants scrambled to ready themselves for the al fresco open date, last night proved that in the world of Manhattan dining, if you build it, they will come. Even if it legit means dining next to a public trash can. With restaurants setting up tables on the sidewalk and in street parking spots - some, more aesthetically than others - pedestrian passersby were in many cases bumping into tables, or just having to walk in the middle of the street.

    One such "hot spot" that proved cat nip for the starved status symbol flaunting set was Cipriani Downtown. Rich kids and tasteless aging jet setters crowded West Broadway at the chance of grabbing one of the many four-top tables plopped in front of the restaurants iconic yellow awning and strung down the block. By around 9:30, the overflow of customers and anxiously lurking hopefuls turned into quite the unsettling scene, with most sans-mask.

    Fancy cars just begging you to notice them lined the block as well - a Range Rover, Rolls Royce, Maybach, Lamborghini - surely signs that if anything, the hungry crowd was not neighborhood locals.

    All for the love of overpriced, meh Italian food we suppose.

    Isn't New York fun?

    [Photos via Guest of a Guest and @tikinyc]