[Patricia Field, never far from a cigarette. All photos by Bauer Griffin.] Yesterday, some crafty photographer tracked down the latest filming location for the third season of Ugly Betty: down under the Brooklyn Bridge. It's kind of impossible to piece together what the hell is going on in the shots, especially because I don't personally watch the show, but I'll make some wild speculations, why not. Here's our plot line, starting with the thumbnail at right: costume designer Patricia Field approaches the set, cigarette in hand, ready to...
...costume Ugly Betty/America Ferrera as the Wicked Witch of the Far Eastern Flower Patch. Betty then...
...demands a fan to complete the Far East look, while...
...her model friends pretend they're on MTV Spring Break. None of the characters know that...
...evil Becki Newton/Amanda Tanen has just arrived with a wacky plan to thwart Betty and the models...
...by dressing as a sexy sorceress on E, summoning some of her other alphabetically caped friends, and...
...attacking via motorcycle gang. Looks like a pretty good episode to me.