Always call out your peers for not being as rich as you (pretend you) are
Did someone just say that they live on the Upper East Side in a $3 million apartment when really they live just a block shy of its limits over on 97th? Call them out on it in front of their friends, even though you grew up in a middle class suburb. If someone mentioned where their cousin went to boarding school, snidely remind them that it's a third tier boarding school for the nouveau riche, even though you've been going to public school your entire life and you have no idea what you're talking about. If a girlfriend is showing off a new dress she bought on sale on ShopBop that makes her ass look dope, tell her she should return it because it's polyester. Are you making people feel alienated? Yes, but it's because you're putting them in their place by reminding them they're not rich. Not because they can see right through how try-hard you are.
[Photo via @letthelordbewithyou]