More MetroCard Woes

by KRISTIN LUCIANO · July 31, 2008

    MetroCard MachineWhy, WHY do this city’s MetroCard machines continue to break down? Particularly on days that my unlimited monthly pass expires and I have to walk 10 minutes to the nearest station, where the machine is also, serendipitously, non-functional--and then walk back to my original station? I always thought this kind of thing only happened to me because I’m forever cursed with bad transit luck- (after failing to give up my seat to an elderly woman who went flying when the train started).

    But really, you’d think that with New Yorkers paying $2 for a ride (and it’s only getting more expensive), we’d at least deserve working machines, not to mention cleaner stations and punctual trains. Oh well, at least most of us can be thankful that we don’t have to deal with this.