Michelle Madonna (Flower Crown Entrepreneur, Blogger, That Madonna Girl)

Tell us why we’re here tonight?
We’re here tonight for the Under The Influence book release party, which includes about 100 of Cogent’s favorite bloggers, and I’m one of them!

What does it mean to be an influencer in New York City?
We live in a style-driven city and New York girls are constantly in need of outfit inspiration. Sometimes I need my own inspiration and look to other bloggers to help me figure out what to do when I’m shopping in my own closet. I’ll check out other blogs and find out amazing ways to style a simple t-shirt that I otherwise wouldn’t have thought of. I hope I can give the same level of fashion advice as others have given me!

Favorite place to grab a cocktail in the city?
While We Were Young and Public Hotel

[Photo via @thatmadonnagirl]

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