Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Swift

Bravo, Mark Zuckerberg. Bra-vo. Today marks 10 years since the social network revolution that is Facebook has cast its spell over us "me me me"-centric Millennials, allowing us to keep in touch with old friends, make a space for ourselves online, and pretty much show off how great we are as much as possible. While we've all tried at least once to disconnect from the constant stream of party photos, engagement announcements, and hopelessly unprovoked political commentary, not knowing what's happening on our newsfeed inevitably leaves us feeling left out, and before we know it we've logged back on. For those of us who grew up on FB, it's hard to imagine life without notifications, despite our increasingly love-hate relationship with them. So happy birthday, Facebook, and thanks for giving us these six shared experiences we all love to hate online.